Friday, July 6, 2007

Spiral of Silence Theory

Several decades ago, the majority of white people had pluralistic ignorance toward blacks. For a while, the African American community didn’t know Hard Core Nonconformists and black brothers or sisters could not really stand up and fight for what they believed in. Then came a man named Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. He spoke for the minorities, helping them to get speak their mind by speaking for them, by expressing their feelings and frustrations about racism through his mouth. The way Dr. King worked to get his point across, he would have been completely biased against the Spiral of Silence. In my opinion, Dr. King was the Quasi-Statistical Organ for the black community, because of the ways he spoke of equality and desegregation for African-Americans. Even though Dr. King was a minority he still stood up for what was right even if he was labeled a deviant (Train/Plane Test). Dr. King was a strong leader and did all he could to help people no matter how often he was threatened.

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