Friday, July 6, 2007

Genderlect Styles Theory

When I first turned to read this chapter, I skimmed across the headline “Genderlect Styles” and the word genderlect stood out to me. It stood out because I had never heard of the word before. I soon learned that genderlect is a way of saying that men and women talk differently. The men’s communication type was call report talk and the women’s communication was call rapport talk. I agree 100% with Tannen's theory. I have a female friend and every time we talk, she tries to finish my sentences by saying what she thought I was going to say (Cooperative overlap). At times she can see the frustration on my face due to her constant interruption. Then she would say, “That doesn’t bother you? Right?” (Tags a question- to soften a potential conflict). I wish she would understand that I don’t like being interrupted and can speak effectively without her help.

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